Almost every year I participate in the conferences of Sail Training International, which organises the biggest events forTall Ships, where I represent Hungary in the International Committee.
In the opening plenary winners announced of the Sail Training Research Fund, which was launched in the summer and awarded a total of £10,000, including our application "Enhance the developing and understanding of maritime heritage". Research results are due by October next year.... and we will hopefully report at next year's conference. With this research, I will soon be contacting people who have joined our sail training programme, asking them to fill in the questionnaire or forward it to their sailing friends. The results of the survey will be published in English and Hungarian next autumn
I also attended the meeting of the representatives of the national organisations, the International Council, where I met the new delegates and trustees, among other things, was invited to send someone in the STI Youth Council, where young people under 25 are delegated by countries. Our mentor in this year's school boat race has already indicated that she would like to continue working with us, so I will be asking her to take on this task. The Youth Council members' participation is largely funded by STI.
Every year we participate in the EU Exchange+ programme, where we can send 5–7 Hungarian young people on a Tall Shipfor a 1–2 week sail training programme with a scholarship of 250-500 €, with other young people from 4–6 countries. Last year we were able to send 13 young people because we were able to fill the remaining free places. On the conference Windseeker gave us the opportunity to send 6–6 young people (15-25 years old) on TWO boats next year + we could even get the free places.
MORGENSTER: 11-19 August 2025, Rostock - Denmark - Ijmuiden
HENDRIKA BARTELDS: 18-27 July 2025, Kiel - Denmark - Kiel.
In order to be able to send more young people (also on other boats), we are looking for Hungarian sailors and companies to sponsor us: they could be a sponsor of young Hungarias who could not afford the full participation fee without a bursary. Please send an e-mail to [email protected]. To set a good example, in 2025 Jachtnavigator will offer a scholarship of 300 € for a young Hungarian!
I have managed to contact my British friends who have a personal connection with a well-known British sailor (I won't say who yet) - I asked them to convey my request to him/her: I would like to invite him/her to give a presentation in Budapest to the local sailing audience in the near future (this winter or spring). If I am successful, I will give you details of my plans.
Csaba Horvath
STI International Council member